Contact Us

Please call, e-mail or drop us a line for your free initial consult.

We are here for you, to listen and begin the journey together to your perfect day!

Keep watching for up dates on events to visit us in person.  Look for new floral and table Designs.

There is MAGIC  in the flowers ! Let our meticulous  planning  and attention to detail bring the MAGIC to your special day!  All with “Positivity”®-  guaranteed!

Wedding Bell Events

PO Box 68056

Tucson, Arizona


To contact us:

Phone: 520.742.0011

Fax: 520.498.0954


Wedding Bell Events

Wedding  Bell Events

Kathleen Bell-Ryan, Coordinator—Designer


Wedding Bell     


Copyright  ©Wedding Bell Events  2008.        Website Created by    Illustrations In Time

Share a little “POSITIVITY”®  today!.